The Alabama Board of Examiners in Psychology proposes to add Administrative Code Rules corresponding to the passage of Act No. 2021-283 creating the Alabama Psychology Professionals Wellness Committee, and to amend various others:
750-X-5A Alabama Psychology Professionals Wellness Committee, and 750-X-3A-.05 Definition of Continuing Education Activity, and 750-X-6-.02, as Appendix II, the American Psychological Association Ethical Principles Of Psychologists And Code of Conduct.
Interested Persons may present their views in writing by contacting the Lori H. Rall, Executive Director, during the 35-day period following September 30, 2021, or if requested in advance (no later than July 10, 2021), by personally appearing at the appointed time, place and manner.See the attached documents for more information on this intended action and on how to present views to the Board.